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Hidden from sight

Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Behind-the-scenes changes are going on here in terms of domain services and the like. The astute reader might remember that I've accumulated a small collection of domains: WalkingSaint.com, BurtonSimmons.com, BurtonSimmons.info, and more. While I have web pages at all these domains, other services (such as mail) haven't always been fully functional. In the last week or so I've been changing that.

Probably the biggest change is the switch from self-hosting of email services to using Google Apps for email (and other services). This allows me to have the Goog do my spam filtering (which is good) but also use them as a trusted sender. Self-hosting my mail server means that, since at some point it's just on a consumer cable modem, many larger email providers won't accept mail from it because they think it's spam. Irritating, but this gives me a way around it.

The downside to this is that I have a lot of little devices that send email: firewalls, servers, etc., and they aren't necessarily "smart" enough to play well with Google's email service. Still trying to figure that one out (and why it's happening, since I don't exactly get rich error messages from these devices.

So those are some of the changes that are happening. More are going to be coming down the pipeline - some of which will simplify my life, some of which might improve the reader experience, but all of which will probably be long overdue. Stay tuned!


Blogger Jake said...

We use google apps here at the office, and ran into that in a few codebases, specifically the SSL requirement for SMTP (this was more of an issue on Windows IIS codebases -- the linux-based stuff was easy to work with). But most of the times, the oddball port numbers can just be appended on to the IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:465) and it'll just work -- assuming your code authenticates you.

That being said, this little bit of code was handy on both windows and linux:


Basically, it's just a relay service program. You can run it on any server (we just run it localhost) and then change your code to SMTP to the local host. Then setup emailrelay to forward that mail onto gmail's servers, using the login/pass you setup for the account you want as the reply-to.

10:57 AM, August 12, 2008  

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