Good Night, Sweet Prince
Monday, September 24, 2007
I fed him Friday and he was happy. I went to Portland for the weekend (which I've done before) but got back Sunday evening and immediately went to feed him. However, he was listlessly hanging out at the bottom of the tank. "No big deal," I thought to myself. He doesn't always like to eat in the evenings, so I'd feed him Monday morning.
Monday morning came around, and he was still lethargic and now was listing slightly to one side. I started to worry because he still wouldn't eat. After I got home from class in the afternoon I went to check on him, and his condition had worsened. I went to Petsmart where, describing what I thought his symptoms were, I was told it was probably stress. I bought some supplies to change his water and make it really nice for him.
Two hours later he was dead.
I've never been a big "pet" person. I've never been good at maintaining things - like pets, or plants, or relationships. But I cared about Gustav and I tried to make sure I was taking care of him. His death saddens me.